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April 1, 2025 consolidated election candidates

Vote for four (4) x four-year term.

Karla Christianson

Why do you want to be a library trustee? 

To become a library trustee is to become a person who contributes, influences, and guides the present and future decisions for the library. It is an honor to become this community person and give back to Fox River Grove (FRG) all I have received from library services during my many years in school. I want to be an advocate for this amazing library in our town. 

How would you describe the Fox River Grove community? How does the public library benefit it? 

FRG is a small and friendly community with acres of public parks and recreational facilities. The library shares the small and friendly characteristics of the town it supports, and socially connects our community. I feel fortunate to live in this town having the FRG Memorial Library supporting the residents. Our library plays an extensive role that goes beyond providing access to books or other forms of information. Our library convenes community conversations, collaborates with community partners hosting community focused events/classes, offers public space and programs bringing diverse segments of our community into a shared space, connects museums and cultural institutions and parks with the availability of circulating entry passes to name a few. This is all done with a warm welcome and inviting atmosphere. 

What do you see as the priorities of the FRG public library? 

I see the priorities of the FRG public library as continued coordination, cooperation, promotion, and access to resources all for the purpose of providing services that cultivate and meet the needs of our community. Listening to the voice of our residents helps the library identify new priorities; operating on this continuously improving platform demonstrates the commitment to excellence in our FRG library. 

Describe your experience working on boards, committees and/or as a volunteer. 

I have had the pleasure of working on many committees and boards as a volunteer over the last 30 years. As a result of my work environment and professional organization, I work collaboratively with many others towards common goals and metrics. Being involved in committee work allows me to be proactive, enthusiastic, negotiable, and committed to making a positive impact on those committees providing a service to their defined members or teams they represent.  

What talents or expertise could you bring that would benefit the Fox River Grove library board? 

Before talents or expertise, one must have a passion for being on a board. I am a long-time resident of this community; I have a passion for the village of FRG and want only the best for the community residents. Additionally, I have been a recipient of many library services during my academic years and always believed I would pay it back by contributing to the library services. It is my time now to give back, and I choose to do so by being on the FRG Memorial Library Board. 

Strategic and analytical skills help me see the big picture and develop a step-by-step plan to make the best decisions to achieve the library’s goals. Gathering information, formulating ideas and planning action is a talent I will always implement when acting in the best interest of the library services.  

Adaptability and networking/social skills are other talents I bring to this position. Although not always easy, adapting to all kinds of changes in the industry, technology, financially, etc. can be a challenge, but one I am willing to manage. My social skills will compliment the current board members which will ensure everyone interacts with stimulating conversations, so we produce insightful strategies and answers. I believe psychological safety allows teams to perform better; the library board will benefit from my adherence to psychological safety.  

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of the FRG Memorial Library Board of Trustees.

Melanie Augle


Stephen Miller

Why do you want to be a library trustee? 

I want to give back to the community. I have enjoyed residing in the area for almost 40 years and I feel this is one way to contribute to the community as a whole.

How would you describe the Fox River Grove community? How does the public library benefit it? 

I really enjoy living in Fox River Grove. I feel it is dynamic, fiscally conservative and looks for ways to improve some aspects of quality of life. The library benefits the community by providing traditional knowledge access and bridges those traditional approaches with new means of access.

What do you see as the priorities of the Fox River Grove public library? 

The priorities of the Fox River Grove Library are to be a knowledge base for how to distribute information using new channels, to be a resource for the community that fosters this communication and to offer and make available this information to all residents. 

Describe your experience working on boards, committees and/or as a volunteer. 

My experience with working on boards is varied. I was a member of an advisory board for testing for a year at Maplewood Elementary School. I have been a volunteer at my church for decades in several different ministries and continue to do so. I am the secretary of a local home owners association for a condominium association. I am the current secretary for the Fox River Grove Memorial Library.

What talents or expertise could you bring that would benefit the Fox River Grove library board? 

I have good interpersonal skills and analytic abilities. In my business career I ran large operations and am familiar with team building, budgeting processes, goal setting and measurement, leadership, empowerment, listening and follow through.

Is there anything else you'd like the community to know about you?

I feel I'd continue to add value to the library board. We have an excellent board, an amazing director, caring staff and a community that enjoys, needs and wants the library.

Thanks for reading!

Theresa Meshes

Why do you want to be a library trustee? 

I value good stewardship of our public library and its programming and the appropriate funding of our government entities.

How would you describe the Fox River Grove community? How does the public library benefit it? 

Fox River Grove is a small town where many people value being known and knowing their neighbors. The library is a destination for growing one's interests and meeting with neighbors.

What do you see as the priorities of the Fox River Grove public library? 

The library must have relevant, current information for public consumption, programming to support the interests and needs of the community, and resources for those seeking to improve their conditions.

Describe your experience working on boards, committees and/or as a volunteer. 

I served on the Fox River Grove PTO for nine years, the McHenry County board for four years, and volunteer in many organizations locally through the community and church.

What talents or expertise could you bring that would benefit the Fox River Grove library board? 

I have a Master's Degree in Mathematics and a Certificate of Accounting. I am highly organized and committed to service.

Vote for one (1) x unexpired two-year term.

Mary Cooper